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February 2023

Summer project of 2022, The Kirknell Records is a 10 episodes Audio drama set in the Foxhole MMO Universe using in-game location as the stage for a military scenario. Taking the form of a logbook this series was a good testing field in terms of narration, storytelling as well as audio and video montage.


Follow the Veteran As unleash upon 



Show don't tell

But what really appealed to me was the perfect opportunity to exercice and thoroughly apply the "Shown don't tell" rule.


Pushing me to find the exact words and descriptions in order the convey the action I wanted.


Regarding the setting, I was able to consult with the best experts I know on the matter: my Grandparents, whom owned a bakery and were able to help me get the details right.


Among all the technical works I may handle daily, it was nice to find something to share with them.

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