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Top down shooter

Golem Odyssey

Content Writer

Music Composer



January 2022

What a exciting adventure that is a game jam, especially when it is your first. I had heard of the concept before but never gave it any serious thought, now that I was a few months in a Game Design course perhaps a little push was all that was needed, and it came.


When two third years students came to us, poor first year mortals, and proposed we join them for the Global Game Jam I sent my candidature right away, got selected along with another lost soul and set off for a exciting week end.

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Overall I'd say it was a enriching experience, one that certainly emphasized how little I knew about engine features, coding etc... I had scratched a few things before as par of the first year course but when it came down to getting my hands dirty, there was a long way to go. A bit frustating, but in a sense invigorating as what was to learn for the future and how to do things different next time.


In the meantime you may enjoy the result of me being given total freedom on Chrome Music Lab for the first time.

Menu Music
00:00 / 00:12
Level 1 Music
00:00 / 00:11
Pause Music
00:00 / 00:08
Level 2 Music
00:00 / 00:11
Level 3 Music
00:00 / 00:08
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