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February 2023

It all began the day we were tasked with writing either a short film or a video game intro within 5 pages. I personally chose the latter, the challenge of writing a complete story with those limitations having caught my attention. As for the game intro I would later come back to it within the scope of a future exercice, Cardinal.


The fact that Yeast is without dialogs was an added optional layer that we were free to choose if we wanted our script to be later shown to 2D animators as an option for their animated projects.

Show don't tell

But what really appealed to me was the perfect opportunity to exercice and thoroughly apply the "Shown don't tell" rule.


Pushing me to find the exact words and descriptions in order the convey the action I wanted.


Regarding the setting, I was able to consult with the best experts I know on the matter: my Grandparents, whom owned a bakery and were able to help me get the details right.


Among all the technical works I may handle daily, it was nice to find something to share with them.

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